I can't remember the last time it was so difficult to find good information about a city's food scene. Crazy as it sounds, I actually expected my search for Rotterdam food blogs to be successful-- I mean, we do live in an age where new food apps and websites launch each day!
Sadly, I didn't find the Rotterdam food blog I was looking for, and sites like Tripadvisor and Yelp were pretty bare in content. I suppose I could have given up, writing off Dutch cuisine as so many others seem to have done. But I don't let down so easily. I wanted to know about local specialties and where to find them, and I was up for the challenge.
During my seven days in the Netherlands I visited Rotterdam and Amsterdam, so I don't have information about other regions. I'll have to save their delicacies for another trip! Luckily, after lots of research I did find some good restaurant recommendations, Dutch food websites, and even recipes-- but trust me, it wasn't easy. Hopefully these recommendations will help future travelers.
Dutch Cuisine: From Rustic to International
My search for typical Dutch dishes quickly lead me to discover that the traditional Dutch diet was barebones and rustic. Breakfast and lunch were often very similar, consisting of bread with toppings such as Dutch cheese or cured fish. Dinner consisted of mashed potatoes (sometimes mashed with another vegetable such as carrots), and a small portion of meat on the side.
Fast forward to the present day. Dutch cuisine has been influenced by the many immigrant groups that have settled in The Netherlands. Rotterdam is especially international, with Spanish tapas bars, Italian eateries, Chinese restaurants, and Surinamese food among the many choices for dining out.
What to Eat in Rotterdam and Amsterdam (and Where!)
Armed with some information from the Awesome Amsterdam blog and Parla Food, I was ready to search out some good eats. Here is what I found:
Dutch Breakfast
For the first few days of our trip we were in Rotterdam, where we were convinced the Dutch didn't eat breakfast. Why? Because all of the breakfast places opened between 9:00 and 10:00 in the morning! This was difficult for us since the conference we were attending started at 9:00 a.m. Without our coffee we are not nice people!
Later, we asked our new Dutch friend Julia about breakfast time. She explained that most Dutch people eat breakfast at home, and that the cafés only open for people's mid-morning coffee and snack, rather than for their breakfast. That explained a lot!
Koffie Verkeerd
Literally translated as "wrong coffee", this enormous bowl of coffee is the biggest latte I've ever seen. Filled with half steamed milk and half coffee, you may not want to indulge in this big guy before a long meeting.
Where: Hoppers is the most famous coffee in town. It was delicious, though the service was a bit poor. Tip: No Visa cards are accepted!
Given their affinity for bread with toppings, it comes as no surprise that bagels are quite popular in Rotterdam, Amsterdam, and other Dutch cities. While, in my opinion, nothing I tried came close to the delicious New York bagels I grew up with, the combinations for toppings surpassed the average deli back home. The one I was eyeing but never got to try? Horseradish cream cheese with Wagyu pastrami and homemade pickles. Yum!
Where: Bagel Bakery was a lovely little café with a wide selection of bagels and toppings. We ate there almost every morning of our stay.
Fresh Juices
I live in the land of fresh squeezed orange juice and I feel lucky each time I order a sweet, delicious glass. But sometimes I miss being able to order other fresh juices when out, especially quality bottled ones to grab on the go. Bottled juices in Spain are simply awful, except for a few new brands that still aren't widely distributed. But in The Netherlands we were constantly surrounded by beautiful glass bottles, filled with 100% natural juices. The most famous were Appelsap and Perensap (apple juice and pear juice). Both were incredibly delicious, nothing like the awful apple juice I grew up with in the states (and always hated!).
Where: Any café or convenience store is sure to have at least one juice on offer. Cafés will likely offer freshly juiced combinations as well.
Dutch Lunch
As mentioned, lunch is much like breakfast in the Netherlands. But we managed to try a lot more than the usual fare (even if we looked a bit like tourists).
Indonesian Food
As a former Dutch colony, Indonesia made its mark on Dutch cuisine forever. Nowadays, cities like Rotterdam have many Indonesian restaurants, and it seems that most café menus also include one or two plates that would be considered Dutch-Indonesian fusion food. For more information about this type of cuisine check out this helpful guide to Dutch Indonesian cuisine.
Where: We tried this savory cuisine at Satebar Indonesia, and experienced a tasty meal, good service, and a nice ambiance. There may be slightly more authentic places in the city, but this one was pretty good.
The sandwich combinations at local cafés were endless: carpaccio with cream cheese, capers, parmesan cheese and arugula, curried egg salad with red onions, buffalo mozzarella with pesto and sundried tomatoes, and many more tempting combinations were prominent on some local menus.
Where: There were many cafés around town but we enjoyed the sandwiches we ordered from Bagel Bakery in Rotterdam and the delicious tea sandwiches from Roomservice Café by Hotel Droog in Amsterdam (a really cool place!).
Each day of our conference lunch began with a piping hot cup of soup. Given that it was freezing while we visited, it was a welcome sight and all were delicious!
Dutch Dinner
Dinner is served at 6:00 p.m. (though you'll find people eating until around 8:00 in most restaurants). It is definitely the heaviest meal of the day, although with all of the variety in Rotterdam it could be as heavy or as light as you want.
Fastfood Centre: Food from Surinam
Never would I ever have guessed that my most enjoyable meal in a long time could come from a place called Fastfood Centre. But it did. And it wasn't quite the fast-food that I would normally expect. Offering dishes from Surinam, the only thing that makes this place fast food is the fact that the homemade dishes are prepared ahead of time, making service quick and easy.
We stumbled upon this casual place in Rotterdam's small Chinatown district; it is right on the main street. Despite our reservations with the name, we saw that it was packed with locals and decided to give it a try. I am so happy we did. Here is what we ate:
Clockwise: Fried banana with rich peanut sauce; chicken curry with boiled yucca, hard boiled egg, green beans, and pancakes; sweet and sour pork fried rice with egg; the entrance to Fastfood Centre.
Dutch Snacks
It seems that the Dutch like to snack, as many menus include an entire section dedicated to snack foods. Seeing the 3€ price for a plate of mediocre olives made me realize how lucky we are here in Spain, where most restaurants provide delicious olives free of charge!
Everyone recommended that I try Bitterballen while in Rotterdam, so I did-- various times. I must admit, I didn't fall in love them-- but they were pretty good! Bitterballen are round, deep-fried croquettes filled with shredded beef and a béchamel sauce. Just like here in Spain, they were originally a poor man's food, a solution for leftover scraps from stews. The Dutch dip the bitterballen in a spicy mustard (which I loved). A plate of these with some beers would definitely satisfy most people! By the way, bitterballen aren't bitter, the word refers to the fact that people used to eat them along with a bitter aperitif.
Where: The best bitterballen I tried were definitely at the Hotel New York in Rotterdam. Take a seat at the reading table in the bar and enjoy.
French Fries
Belgium gets all of the credit for their crunchy cones of fried potatoes, but Dutch fries are just as good! We didn't want to go overboard with this not-so-healthy snack, but did try a few varieties while in the Netherlands. Tip: Order the Patats Oorlog, literally "war fries". Topped with saté sauce and mayonaise and covered in chopped raw onion, it may sounds strange but they were delicious!
Where: We actually tried the best fries in Amsterdam, at a chain called Chipsy Kings. Tripadvisor reviews rave about a place called Bram Ladage in Rotterdam, which we will certainly test out when we return!
Sweet Stuff
Our desserts after lunch and dinner tended to be small, think a cup of berry yogurt with fruit or a small ball of chocolate mousse. But on our own we discovered some sweet afternoon snacks that were worth trying.
The appeltart was a wet sort of apple pie that reminded me of bread pudding. I found it quite heavy and would have preferred it hot-- but perhaps I didn't get the best version!
Lemon Meringue Pie
I love my lemon meringue pie and luckily it seems like the Dutch do too! There was always some sort of lemon pie and also carrot cake on nearly every dessert menu we saw.
Where: Loos Café was a classic, old fashioned café where I had a delicious piece of lemon meringue pie followed by a glass of crisp sauvignon blanc (I was hard at work investigating!).
Mint Tea
A large handful of mint and some hot water. Simple and delicious and very popular in Rotterdam. I added a sugar cube to the mix and enjoyed this hot drink on a cold rainy day.
Where: I'd recommend the Hotel New York again for its fantastic views of the port. In Amsterdam I enjoyed one at the funky Hannekes Boom.
Salty black liquorice-- as strange as it sounds it is adored by the Dutch. Alas, as much as I love sweet black liquorice I just couldn't develop a taste for the salty stuff. Our guide Sebas, however, inhaled them!
Where: Grab a box at any supermarket.
Must Try Dutch Foods for Next Time
Sadly, we didn't make it everywhere we wanted and some signature Dutch foods were left off the itinerary. Here they are anyway!
Hot Stroopwafel
So very sad. Time ran out before we could find the famous hot stroopwafel, thin waffle cookies filled with sweet syrup in the center. Luckily we did get to try the pre-made variety (which were addicting enough) but we never found a place for hot ones in Rotterdam.
Where: You can buy the pre-made variety at any supermarket (we regret not stocking up) and in Amsterdam you can get hot ones at the famous Albert Cuypmarkt.
Technically I tried these at our hotel, but wasn't impressed. I have faith that other ones just have to be delicious, so I'm not counting my first bad experience! These silver dollar pancakes are usually served with butter and powdered sugar (yum) and sold on street cornets. Hmm, we did a lot of walking and never saw any-- help anyone?
Where: You tell me!
Proof that cuisine is always evolving, this signature Rotterdam dish was invented in 2003 by a hairdresser (thus the name which translates to hairdresser in English). He supposedly used to go into a nearby Turkish restaurant and ask for "a bit of everything" which resulted in this dish. Possibly the best drunk food ever invented (yet to be proved since we didn't try it in Rotterdam), Kapsalon is a mix of french fries, shwarma meat, melted gouda cheese, salad, and garlic sauce. As good as it sounds we just never got tipsy enough to try it…
Where: Any kebab shop in Rotterdam.
Haring (Raw Herring)
Despite coming at the right time of year, we never got the chance to try Rotterdam's famous herring (despite multiple tries!) Everyone told us to head to Schmidt Zeevis, but the fish shop's opening hours just didn't agree with us! That said, we will definitely be back to try a whole raw herring covered in chopped onions, which they say you must hold by the tail and dangle into your mouth. Sounds fun!
Where: Schmidt Zeevis is supposedly the place, and also is said to serve excellent plates of sashimi.
Overall, the food in the Netherlands proved challenging to discover, but when we finally found what we were looking for we really enjoyed each and every bite! If I had to choose favorites I would go with the bottled 100% organic apple juice, Surinamese food in Rotterdam, and the fresh salads and sandwiches served for lunch.
Have you ever visited a destination where truly getting into the food culture proved a bit difficult? And which of the Dutch foods above would you most like to try?
Carby Edwards
Nice post! Your Dutch gastronomical experiences have certainly piqued my interest. I did share the blog with my wife and she has been asking me to apply for a Visa for Netherlands. I might have to give in to her requests and grab a visa soon so that we can explore some mouth-watering dishes traditional dishes of the Netherlands.
Wow, not sure if you realise how amazing this article is for Dutch food in Rotterdam!! I'm doing some research and all the good sites are written in Dutch, and google translate only helps a little bit. Thanks for sharing this article, it's definitely an inspiring piece that makes me want to go for a visit! Great job
jade goldsmith
Great post! I am writing a similar one about my favorite foods in Amsterdam. Sorry the pottertjes were such a disappoint. If you find yourself in Amsterdam you need to go the Albert Cuyp street market and try the stand there! The best I've ever had! http://www.jadescapades.com
Lauren Aloise
Thanks for the tip-- will definitely make it there next time!
Restaurants & Pleasure
nice experience.
I have a blog about restaurants.
If you want we can share/following our URL blog:
Me and my partner visited the Anne Frank house recently. It was an extremely good & moving experience, as the hiding place is near enough as it was during the war and of the time!
It was incredible to see what they had to do, how they had to live & the story of them, other than inside the book, it's real life!
A very good description of Dutch food and food culture! I really enjoyed reading this blog, good explanation on why the breakfast places are open so late! The funny thing is that I just stumbled upon your blog because I have just written my first blog about restaurants in Rotterdam, and wanted to see if besides the none existant ones on wordpress I could find any online. I agree that there is too little known about the different places to eat, and tripadvisor has disappointed me more then a couple of times. To answer your poffertjes question, I know one street vendor in Rotterdam, that on the street that connects the market to the koopgoot called Hoogstraat. The place is called Seth poffertjessalon see website: http://www.sethpoffertjes.nl/ only in Dutch.
Next time I'm eating out with you. Looks you found lots of great places even though you couldn't find a lot of info.
Lauren Aloise
It was my mission! Come join me for a bite any time!
That creepy doll reminds me of the one from the Chinovarious! I found Dutch food to be dull because I was staying with a vegetarian who had a steady diet of lettuce and gouda, and I'd sneak in the french fries while out. Looks delicious!!
Lauren Aloise
Honestly it was difficult to find the hidden gems, and when I go back I will be doing more research in advance. I was so sad that we didn't have time to visit the market in Amsterdam-- it seems like we would have been able to try a lot there.
I miss bitterballen and patatje oorlog so much. I sometimes dream about eating them.
You can find poffertjes at the Albert Cuyp market.
Next time you're in Holland, send me a message and I'll give you some more great dishes to try and places where you can try them 🙂
Lauren Aloise
Hi Angela! Thank you for that offer, I will definitely take you up on it when we go back (I still haven't been in Holland while there was sunshine-- that needs to change!). Btw love you guys' blog, amazing pictures!
Erin Bender (Travel With Bender)
OMG you missed some vitals! Next time grab some Dutch Croquettes, my grandmother still makes them every Christmas and they are delicious!! Also Oliebollen (Dutch Doughnuts) are one of my favourite desserts and absolutely delicious. Finally dutch pancakes are delicious. Usually with lemon and sugar, they are mostly served dollar size on a styrofoam plate. YUM! Also my grandmother use to make Boerenkool - which is mashed potato, kale and sausage - always loved that on a cool evening. 🙂
Technically Dutch pancakes are the size of a dinnerplate and slightly thicker than a french crepe 😉 But yes, poffertjes come on the shittiest plate possible so you'll get sugar and butter aaaaall over you 😉 (which really.. Is the point)
Lauren Aloise
Mmm, I want to try both! And I'll come prepared to stain myself with sugar and butter next time 😉
Lauren Aloise
Omg where were all of these dishes you speak of? I looked, I promise! We only really had free time in Rotterdam, and in Amsterdam were on a schedule. Next time...
Elizabeth Bostick
I went to Amsterdam with my family a few years back, and we had Indonesian food for Christmas dinner. It was amazing. Also, where did you get your apple tart? I think it definitely depends on the location, because we went to a place that had the best apple pie EVER. You wouldn't think that Holland would be so culinarily diverse, but it is!
PS I hate to be a downer on Spain, but bitterballen are definitely better 😉
Lauren Aloise
The apple tart was from a little café, probably not the best representation. It was like eating a brick of butter! The Indonesian and Surinamese food was incredible. I loved the flavours-- and the saté sauce! But there's no way bitterballen are better than creamy croquetas de jamón or cabrales... 🙂
So wonderful to read such a nice piece on Dutch cuisine as even for a Dutchie it can be hard to come by a good read, and often difficult to explain whatour kitchen is like!
As for the hot stroopwafels, the best place (and for me) the only place to try it is where the stroopwafel was born, in Gouda. (note: I am slightly biased, born and raised in Gouda, but the do truly taste differently than elsewhere). And while visiting Gouda, there is of course all the cheese to try 😉
And I have to agree on Bram Ladage fries (also found in Gouda ;-), I'll stop pitching Gouda now haha) and Schmidt Zeevis, not just for the herring, but all their fish is top of the bill!
Lauren Aloise
Thanks so much for the comment Aniek! In the short time I was there it seems like the cuisine is very internationally influenced, with some simple but delicious authentic Dutch dishes thrown in the mix. It was great-- I love variety! Next time I have to go to Schmidt Zeevis (they close at 4pm on Saturdays! grrr) and I will definitely check out Gouda (home to one of my favorite cheeses!)